Monday, November 24, 2008

The Drive

So on the way out to Bozeman I ended up getting a hotel in Wall.  There really isn’t much going on here this time of year.  There are lots of hotels, but most of them are closed for the season.  The big thing in Wall is Wall Drug.  Anyone who has driven through SoDak knows the signs.  They start like 500 miles away and have pictures of cowboys and cattle and that sort of thing.  I’ve been there before and to tell you the truth it’s kind of a let down.  Not that I get totally worked up for commerce, but when there is a build up like that…well I felt that I should at least drive by it.  It’s really just a block with a lot of dumb knick-knacks and crap.


I decided that with the election of Obama and all I am feeling a little patriotic, so why not swing by Mount Rushmore.  Its actually a pretty cool drive through the black hills and this is a good time of year to do it, cuz there aren’t tons of annoying tourists with little kids and there isn’t any snow yet so the drive is still pretty easy.  I did chuckle to myself a couple of times though.  Driving up to the monument there is a town called keystone.  Basically, the town is set up for tourists and its shut down the rest of the year.   It was a ghost town and there was actually tumble weed blowing across the road.  Driving through Keystone I couldn’t help but imagine what it must be like up there in the winter.  I kept thinking of the shining and being stuck there and it being super creepy.

ugg...i'll post more later

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today I was off on my way to Montana.  I was gonna swing by pipestone, but guess what???  It’s super duper cold so I decided to skip it.  I actually planning on sleeping in the car, but its quite frosty here in sodak, so instead I got a hotel room in Wall.  I took a couple of pictures, but none of them really turned out all that great.  A couple of things I noticed about sodak.  They like meat and don’t like ‘animal activists’ as according to a shoddy looking billboard.  I’ve heard that there are more severe penalties for defacing meat billboards than a normal one, but I have no actual proof of this.  I didn’t have the camera out so unfortunately I don’t have a picture for all you fine folks.  Right now on TV is the old version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame; this is the high point of the trip so far.  Food so far has been clif bars, pb&j with banana and trail mix.  I’ll do another posting when something interesting happens.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Boo! moving really sucks.  The cat is a little skiddish! I gotta plan a travel route.
Last night at eclipse Pat said I should go to needels in SoDak.  I've never heard of it, but it sounds cool.

Monday, November 3, 2008


So this is my blog.  As many of you know I've quit my job and am going to do some traveling across these United States.  I don't know if anyone will read this, but I guess its a good way to let people know what I'm up to.